Monte Sant’ Angelo Mercy College is an independent Catholic secondary day school for girls, Years 7 to 12, conveniently located in the heart of North Sydney, Australia. Monte is grounded in the Mercy values – which encompass compassion, respect for others, justice and service. These values are embedded in all we do.
Monte was founded in 1875 by the Sisters of Mercy under the guidance of Mother Ignatius McQuoin, the College continues a tradition of excellence in Catholic education in the Mercy tradition.
Monte Sant’ Angelo Mercy College Limited was incorporated in 1995 as an Australian Public Company limited by Guarantee. The management of the College is entrusted to the Board of the Company by the owners of the College, the Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy North Sydney, subject to the Memorandum and Articles of Association provided by the Congregation.
Monte’s excellent resources include state-of-the-art learning facilities and the integration of information and communication technologies. These resources, and the ongoing professional learning of our teaching staff, mean that Monte girls receive the highest quality secondary education as 21st century learners.